36 dramatic situations (2017)

Wordless performance, on the border of theater of materials, theater of objects and theater of puppets, with a slight interaction with the audience. The performer never knows the script of the performance in advance. Everything depends on dice game. There is one body and 36 heads. Spectators will see only 12 of them acting. Each head is made of different material. The collection of many material possibilities for puppet in theatre.


We were inspired by Slavko Kopač’s painting featuring 36 similar heads and came up with a sort of material library for puppet and object theater where each head was unique: sand, clay, plaster, bread, onion, lemon, beetroot, a regular egg, a chocolate egg, an eraser, paper, wood, a balloon, poppy seeds, potato, foam, linoleum, a pine cone, ginger root, a Santa Claus head, a candle, a muffin, a stone, a seashell, a whistle, paper, a bath bomb, soap, plasticine, marshmallows, and so on.

What can be done with a puppet’s head: eat it, crush it, erase it, paint it, burn it, smash it, inflate it, open it, untie it, squeeze it, cut it, shake it, impale it, clean it, make it laugh, print it, hammer it, peel it, dissolve it, throw it, drown it, blow into it, prick it, spin it, melt it, and more and more.

This concept then successfully merged with Georges Polti’s idea of 36 dramatic situations.


George Polti was a French writer, that in the 19th century published the list of The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations describing and categorizing every dramatic situation that might occur in a story or performance. Polti claims to be continuing the work of Carlo Gozzi, who also identified 36 situations.

Special thanks to Robert Smolík.

premiere may 2017
directing, scenography, performing Anna Gumboldt
recommended age 12 — 100
spectators 8 — 12
performance duration 30 min

Techical rider

1. Separate dark room (minimum 10 m2) for 8-12 spectators and the performer. If there is a window, it should be curtained black
2. Two power sockets 220V
3. 10 chairs for spectators
4. Table for a stage 1 x 1 m.
5. One more table 1.5 x 0,5 m. or 1 x 1 m.
6. Recycle bin


DAMU, “Proces” festival. Premiere.

Budapest, Maďarsko, International festival of theatre and film arts universities.
Balbineum, Jičín
Náchod, Jednodenní festival Skrumáž v rámci Mezinárodního dne muzeí a galerií a Muzejních nocí.
Malá Inventura Jičín. „Theatrum pictum“, 6. ročník festivalu nového divadla ve Valdštejnské lodžii v Jičíně
Wroclaw, Polsko. XIII Międzynarodowe spotkania szkół lalkarskich „METAFORMY”
Zlínské Posvícení, Zlín

PQ studio v rámci Pražské Quadriennale 2019
Festival Performensk, Minsk, Belarus
Festival intimního divadla, Praha

Festival KUKOKLI 2021, Horní Vítkov u Liberce
Festival 4+4 dny v pohybu, Praha

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